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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Hijaab: Concepts and Morals
According to ‘Abdullaah Al-Huthayl,
Anyone who ponders on the history of the shocks that the West directed against the Muslims, will find that removing the Hijaab has been one of their top priorities for which they exerted all possible efforts, making it the basis for destroying every Islamic community. This has been done to the extent that one of them stated that by no means would the East be set aright unless Hijaab is removed from the woman's face and instead, placed over the Quran. In this way, they succeeded in many of their schemes after long years of planning.
The more one looks at the state of communities, the more one realizes that the Hijaab is confronting a war from poisonous hands in the name of progress and civilization, under the pretext that it restrains the woman and subjects her to humiliation. One of them dared to address the Muslim woman saying: "Tear that veil, and throw it away. Tear it! What evil you are doing? What darkness you are in? What humiliation are you in? What grave you are in? Destroy it! Destroy the terror violently without hesitation! Destroy the silence and say and express your wishes as you like! Destroy the prison…!"
Thus, the woman has been driven by the allurement of speech behind such claims, and has removed her honor with her own hands, and become a plaything. However, the Muslim woman who sticks to the command of her Lord, repulses all the hands that stretch to remove her Hijaab from her and unlawfully expose her face,proves competently that her Hijaab never impedes her from being active in society, taking and giving. She, all perfect praise be to Allaah The Almighty, is present in all fields, areas and places: as a physician, an engineer, a university professor, a lawyer...
According to the Islamic concept, the woman has a pioneering role in the formation and advancement of society. Her Hijaab is not merely a set of clothes, rather, it is a set of concepts and morals. It is an act of worship, of higher thought, culture and civilization; and these are the real standards of evaluating women.

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